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Utku Olcar

is open to work

Job titles

Robotics Engineer · Robotics Software Engineer · Robotics Specialist · Mechatronics Engineer · Embedded Software Engineer

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Immediately, I’m actively applying

Job types

Full-time (I can work remotely)

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Digital Penalty Event Game


Digital Penalty Event Technology.png

The digital penalty product works with the Microsoft Kinect Sensor which is an infrared detector of the human skeleton. You can want to find detailed information about this sensor, you can read my other project "Whole Body Teleoperation of Humanoid Robot". It is designed to take a penalty kick without a ball but still using your body like a real one.

The project has done using the Unity3D Game Engine and C# programming language.

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utku olcar
C#, C# Programming Language, GUI Application, Kinect Sensor, Penalty, Unity, Unity3D Device Solutions, Game Programming, Kinect Sensor Applications