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IoNeeds Open IoT Project (Open-Source)

IoNeeds Open IoT Project (Open-Source)


IoNeeds Open IoT Project

IoNeeds is an open IoT smart jars project. Modules on the jar lids measure fullness, temperature, humidity, and light in the jar and send the data to IoNeeds hub over Bluetooth. IoNeeds hub made from Raspberry Pi and it has a Bluetooth module that connects all defined IoNeeds jars to collect sensor data over Bluetooth. An infinitive number of jars can be added to the IoNeeds ecosystem. Collected data sent from IoNeeds hub to cloud and MQTT server separately. On the cloud server, the Nimbits platform is installed and it provides data logging, monitoring, graph plotting, and also advanced features for data analyzing. On the MQTT server, there is an MQTT Bridge Rule Manager software listens to devices’ MQTT topics and performs rules which defined before. It is developed by us and published as an open-source on Github. Using this MQTT bridge, IoNeeds jars can connect hundreds of smart products and services over IFTTT, also call auto-purchase API when the goods in the jar is ending. I undertake the devices' production and programming for getting sensor data and transmission.

We’ve got the second prize!

Post Link

Results Link : Announcing the Open IoT Challenge winners - Benjamin Cabé

"With an exciting e-mail from Benjamin, we got the news that we won the second prize of Eclipse Open IoT Challenge!

Thank you to all our supporters and followers who ask questions and motivate us on this Eclipse Open IoT Challenge journey! I need to quote especially thanks to Eclipse IoT team and Benjamin Cabe from Eclipse." Emir Ercan Ayar

First Place Of Intel ITC IoT Hackathon December 2014 IoNeeds (Internet Of Needs) Project

What is IoNeeds?

Project Website Link

IoNeeds is an open IoT smart jars project. Modules on the jar lids measure fullness, temperature, humidity, and light in the jar and send the data to the IoNeeds hub over Bluetooth. IoNeeds hub made from Raspberry Pi and it has a Bluetooth module that connects all defined IoNeeds jars to collect sensor data over Bluetooth. An infinitive number of jars can be added to the IoNeeds ecosystem. Collected data sent from IoNeeds hub to cloud and MQTT server separately. On the cloud server, the Nimbits platform is installed and it provides data logging, monitoring, graph plotting, and also advanced features for data analyzing. On the MQTT server, there is an MQTT Bridge Rule Manager software listens to devices’ MQTT topics and performs rules which defined before. It is developed by us and published as an open-source on Github. Using this MQTT bridge, IoNeeds jars can connect hundreds of smart products and services over IFTTT, also call auto-purchase API when the goods in the jar are ending.


The feature list of IoNeeds:

  • Measuring temperature, humidity, light, fullness
  • New devices (jars) can be added.
  • Uses Bluetooth for collecting sensor data efficiently
  • Uses MQTT for transferring data to the server and uses Eclipse Paho-MQTT as MQTT client
  • Uses Nimbits service as data acquisition platform to monitoring, logging, graph plotting
  • Can perform rules which can easily be defined on rule manager
  • Can connect hundreds of smart products and services over IFTTT
  • Can perform API calls like auto-purchase from the web when the goods in the jar are ending.
  • Uses a lot of open source libraries and software and all own sources are open for helping new open IoT projects

Parts of IoNeeds:

Jar lid part

Jar lid part contains a sensor module and a control & communication module to send data to the IoNeeds hub. New jar devices can be added to the IoNeeds ecosystem. We produced and defined 2 IoNeeds jars in the system. Now, we’re looking at only one of these.

PCB Design and Board.jpg

Sensor module has:

  • HC-SR04 as ultrasonic distance sensor to measure the fullness of the jar
  • LDR sensor for measure light of the jar
  • DHT22 sensor for measure temperature and humidity of the jar

Sensor Module.jpg

Post: Sensors and Communication

We started with prototyping the jar lid which measures fullness, temperature, humidity, and light. It also sends collected data to Bluetooth in every 10 seconds. In the jar lid; we have;

  • Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
  • DHT22 Humidity & Temperature Sensor
  • LDR as sensor per one jar.

We measure the distance between the jar lid and the upper limit of the product in the jar using an ultrasonic distance sensor. The depth of the jar is known. So we calculate the percentage of the fullness of the good in the jar.

We made a prototype using a breadboard and we tested the sensors we will use in this project. Ultrasonic distance sensor, LDR, humidity, and temperature sensors worked together perfectly, and then we post the data by using Bluetooth. Data is sent in JSON format because of significant start/stop characters and providing a good structure to data. We can monitor the data on Arduino’s Serial Monitor as you can see.


It’s the sample data of the jar lid module;

{“count“:”27″,”percent“:”30″,”humidity“:”41.5″,”temp“:”22.3″,”ldr“:”250”} HC-05 Bluetooth Module was wired to Atmega328P’s UART communication pins and started to send sensors’ data in JSON format. It is working perfectly! Next, we will connect it to Raspberry Pi for sending data to the cloud server for data acquisition and posting to the MQTT server.

Control and communication module has:

  • ATMEGA328 as a microcontroller
  • HC-05 module as Bluetooth module to send data to IoNeeds hub
  • 9V cell as a power source

Control and Communication Board.jpg

All modules integrated into the jar lid.

Module on Jar.jpg

Post: PCB design of IoNeeds jar lid module

While we made several prototyping experiences with successfully working codes, we completed the first PCB circuit design of the jar lid side of the project. It contains all of the sensors and also a Bluetooth module for connecting to the hub.

PCB is designed for fitting in the jar lid as you can see below. There will be a LiPo battery part in addition to the PCB.

ioneeds_jar_lid_pcb .png

IoNeeds Hub

IoNeeds hub has:

  • USB Bluetooth dongle for receiving Bluetooth data
  • USB Wi-Fi dongle for connecting to the internet

IoNeeds hub is a Raspberry Pi board and it requires only a power source. It can stay any place in your home (Of course, if you don’t have a huge home)

IoNeeds Hub Raspberry Pi .jpg

All sources (Software, Libraries, PCB and API’s) of IoNeeds

"Hi, IoNeeds lovers. As we said, we are developing the internet of things applications and we love to make it open-source! So, we have shared all sources of the IoNeeds project as open-source on GitHub! Here are the details and repositories of sources. Also, our final post is on way!"

Emir Ercan Ayar

Here is Emir Ercan Ayar's GitHub profile which you can find all sources:

mqtt-bridge-rule-manager php & mySQL based MQTT with e-mail and URL calling bridge

ioneeds-jars-main IoNeeds jars measure ATMEGA328 and measures HC-SR04, DHT22, and LDR

ioneeds-jars-pcb-design IoNeeds jar PCB design in Proteus file

ioneeds-hub-main IoNeeds hub collects data from Bluetooth and sends them to MQTT and Nimbits server

woocommerce-purchase-api WordPress WooCommerce remote purchase API

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utku olcar
Arduino, Cloud, Eclipse, Emir Ercan Ayar, IFTTT, IoNeeds, IoT, Jar lid, Mqtt, Open IoT Challange, PCB, PCB Design, Raspberry, Runner-up, Second Prize, Smart Jar Device Solutions, Embedded System Programming, IoT Device Solutions, PCB Design